Image courtesy of Eli Twinks Photography

Image courtesy of Eli Twinks Photography

about fluff

Hello beautiful friends known and yet to know! Welcome to my website showcasing my art & therapy. My name is Fluff and I’ve always loved art and people. I spent 25 years as a successful film producer which gave me great insights into human behaviour, relationships and connections. So in 1997 I chose to change my profession, to art and to dedicate my life to learning, or unlearning, and being in service to others, which is my own self.

I realized that I had always had a secret desire to be an artist and have doodled at this and that. But this time, discovering Oil Paint was like entering a familiar world, stillness drawing me in, the feel of paint on my palette knife, the way it glides, the way it waltzes in the mix, the smell of it! everything about it said welcome home!  It is such a mysterious and wonderful surprise occurring every time i create a new piece...I never know what's going to happen and it's not until I'm done that I see what has appeared, magically through me!  It's as though I'm not even there, just present, still.  

Occasionally I will make a painting for someone specific and I love doing that, feeling them alive in this grand love affair, amazing and deeply intimate. I also love the challenge of painting when I really don't feel like it, or a mood takes me over, and then I laugh like a kid cause it doesn't make a difference to the one painting! Hilarious.

I'm in deep gratitude and love for this gift that gives me so much. 

Excited for you to explore my world of art, colour, therapy and healing. Together these are a powerful source of transformation.

Love is the most powerful force in the universe! Be it, Live it Big!